Relishing the challenge.

Back to blogging means one thing and one thing only.

I have time and the space to write more liberally and openly about how I am feeling and where my head-space has been the last few months since my last post.

Quite honestly, my blog or blogging in general is really a luxury which since I have started writing articles for others, hasn’t been so much of a priority. It is a space for freedom of expression surrounding topics which don’t require frequent drafts and rephrasing, just in case I might word it ambiguously. More so, although it started as a clinically minded blog with some opinion articles, its grown to be more personal to me, especially when people seem to respond more fondly to who I am, not what I can do.

Where I have been the last few months or more so the last year is working. Working my butt off. And by work I don’t mean that I have been glued to a book for the last 6 months, albeit true for large parts. By work I mean, all the smaller details that people seem to believe qualifies for downtime or convalescence, which somehow don’t qualify as work because you aren’t being paid to do it.

I moved to a beautiful apartment in Czech Republic. But it was during semester and it was unfurnished and presented its own problems at probably the most inopportune time of the year; exam period. I was without a working washing machine for 4 months. It finally was finished *touchwood* after maybe 12 different technicians fixing issues which really should have been fixed prior to my move. All of this, over the course of 4 months of university and a grueling exam period. In other parts of my life, I wrapped up a successful period as Student Union President last semester but still have been helping on the outskirts with the Student Union where I can. A commitment to students and people really doesn’t start and stop on the day you cede a title. My hobby became a regular source of income, whereas in past it has been more opportunity based. My journalism again followed suit as a smaller source of income but represented a validation of my hours and hours putting together a portfolio of pieces.


One of my favourite photographs taken of a friend of mines beautiful Mother.

My dog, elderly and arthritic as she slowly becomes (she is 17, so lets cut her some slack), is on the dawn of being transported to her new abode in Czech Republic. We leave start of September and I will be accompanying her for the duration of an arduous 17-20 hour van journey to Brno. She needs the extra support and it seems wise that I travel with her. As much as it pains me to say, she is likely to not stretch more than 2 more years so ensuring her comfort is paramount. All of this might I add occurred a whole 4 days before my booked flight back. Subsequently, my aspirations of going to 2 festivals in Czech Republic, alongside a trip to visit a friend in Budapest, slipped away into nothingness. I get to have my baby with me though, silver linings and all that. Finally, academics, I passed 3 internal diseases exams in one exam period all first time, so now I have all the basics to be an equine, poultry and ruminant vet… apparently! Interesting.

So all of this and somehow maintaining exercise, relationships and a love for my career in general, its not been a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination. But I am still here, smiling and gearing up for another year and give it all the heart and commitment I can possibly afford.

It has not been all blood sweat and tears however. On return to UK, no sooner had I landed, was I off again. This time to the Tuscan hills and the renaissance hub of the world, Florence/Firenze. Despite my increasingly melanin-deficient face been of key concern and motivation behind the trip, relaxing into artisan central was the objective. My travel


Selfie time in Tuscany

companion, a 25 year old looking 50 year old woman, also referred to as my loving Mother, we dined well, saw some stunning scenery and pampered ourselves consummately for the duration of the trip. Gardens, classical renditions of Italian composers and years of scrap-booking and invested dreams finally managed to come to fruition, all under the gaze of an ever present sun.

I’ve said it before and will say it again. Being able to appreciate art outside of it being anatomical or scientific is quintessential… for my process at least. As an advocate for moderation in all walks of life, too much of anything can be poisonous and I do honestly believe that outlets such as art or exercise, really enhance my ability to be a balanced and self-assured person. Vets are not robots and I for one, have no interest in being one dimensional.

Fast forward to the present and I am really playing a waiting game until I return to Brno. I have plenty to get myself stuck in to…. most require being behind my laptop screen. Thesis… Articles… Emails…  work work work work work (and proportionate breaks of course). I can’t complain or be too disgruntled however. All the signs suggest that I am very much being in the reckoning for a huge amount of prosperity in the short but also the long term future. The shift has come in the form of being asked to write, comment, weigh in on debates instead of having to justify my presence in the first place. A significant shift, if I do say so myself.


Blog post inception

Its been 3 years since I started DreadyVet and despite some periods of increased input than others, I really have come on leaps and bounds from when this idea was conceived all those years ago.

As I embark on my final year of lessons within the format of lectures and practicals, I really am very proud of what I have managed to achieve and continue to achieve in the relatively short period of time. But now it starting to feel different, like the current that I was once creating for myself has started to take shape and I am more so riding along with it. A changing tide.

Next year, the momentum doesn’t stop. I am principally booked for a trip to India with the World Veterinary Service to join one of their workshops working on teaching undergrads, how to perform surgery. Also to take part in their rabies push in Ooty. To be able to go to India and be apart of something relatively small but meaningful to local community is really what I set out to do from the very beginning. To learn and have the time to develop my proficiency for the career is such a welcoming result considering, I am a bit of a perfectionist at times and like to make every process as seamless as possible. So motivation is there, I know what is ahead and where to go with it. Having a geriatric dog in tow also makes that a keen reminder of what or who I am committing to… Fingers crossed she doesn’t pee and poo inside too much.

Opportunities are there for the taking over the next year and in this time, I will be sure to share that progression because its starting to become bigger than just me.

Relishing the challenge.

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